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zgamer5 said:

an important reason is that 3rd party devs mostly give games for the "core gamers" if they supported the wii dev costs would be less but but the game will flop.

this is such a stupid comment. If they supported the Wii from the start instead of hated on it they wouldn't of gotten into that situation.

Look at Red Steel 2 for example. before that come out Ubisoft probably released 40 shovelware games that were all on the shelf still when red steel come out. I sure as hell couldn't find red steel 2 on the shelves. I had ot buy mine online.

They brought it on themselves.

3rd Party also use the excuse only NINTENDO games well we cannot compete. So what did Nintendo do for Wii? Leave a HUGE gap for them to release games in that they wouldn't need to compete against Nintendo games, but did they take that opportunity? No. Instead it hurt Nintendo as it was hopeing for 3rd party games whilst their own software suffered.