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ND3G said:

Western third parties ignore Nintendo consoles because:

A) Nintendo fanboys only seem to care about games actually made by Nintendo.

B) The Japanese only seem to care about games made in Japan. 

Add the two together and western developers are pretty much guaranteed to loose money releasing games on the Wii unless it is something like Mickey Mouse.

Nintendo's "kiddy" image is well earned. 



A. Explain the Gamecube's version of RE4 selling over a million and a half.  (The GCN sold almost exclusively to Nintendo fanboys and kids)

A2. Even though that fact is almost true, like I said the GC version of RE4 sold well, and another thing even when Nintendo tried to shake off their "kiddy" image (GC era) People like Rockstar still didn't develop for it. (Heck, they went as far as RELEASING two M-rated titles, and they never release M games).