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After a fiery conversation, I thought it'd be best to open the question to the VGC public. 

That question (if you read the OP!) is this: When will the PS3 reach $199? 

Now, it could be cut sometime this year, and it likely will be...but I reckon to only $249

Next year, I don't see it happening, and the year after that is the same. So I reckon early 2014, or in 3 years time. Sony have other things to worry about ATM, such as:

  • Support for NGP
  • Profit off the PS3
  • It's still selling very well WW
  • Plenty of games coming up
  • Move software
  • Re-design
  • Competitors bringing out new systems
I reckon number 2 is the most important- Sony can't just drop the price if they won't make money from it, and they've already lost enough this gen...
So, what do you reckon? When will the PS3 drop below $200, or $199? Comment below...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.