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Played_Out said:
Yuk04 said:
That makes more sense, I know that Spain is the land of the raising Sony but, it is as well a land of not a lot of young people with high incomes.

The Wii it is still considered as an affordable console, contrary to the PS3 image.


Fun anecdote:

i went back to Spain for xmas and went to a game shop to buy some games for my family. The clerk shop said something totally unexpected about the 360. We all know that Spain is Sony land and the Wii is selling really well.

Apparently, there's an underground 360 community growing, which of course will not overtake on the sales of this year but, she mention that the core gamers were buying the 360 instead of the PS3 and lots of games with it (the always important attach rate)

Useless to say that this is just an anecdote from a shop on a little city but, to think that a clerk from Game (we all know how they are) would actually say that the 360 was starting to sell to a core audience very loyal in a small Spanish city is really funny.

It felt like I was witnessing the little village from Asterix, resisting against the Sony empire

That would be ironic given that Asterix is a parable about resistance to American cultural imperialism.

Regarding the figures: I don't speak Spanish and had to auto translate, but the figures seem rather confusing as one set of data (AC Nielsen's percentages) is being applied to another (VGChartz number of units sold).

It would also still seem to suggest that the PS3 has been outselling the Wii on a weekly basis, as it is comparing 12 months of Wii sales versus 9 months of PS3 sales (I think). But then it says something about Wii outselling the 360 & PS3 combined in the latter half of the year. Clarification?

Is not that hard. According to VGchartz the ps3 has sold more LTD in spain even with a late launch.

According to that source, the Wii is the market leader in next-gen consoles over the ps3/360, and the Wii has a marketshare of 44% in spain. They do not give exact numbers, they only say Wii has been the leader since April 1 and was the best selling console in 2007.

VGChartz: Ps3 > Wii LTD

Ac nielsen: Wii > Ps3 LTD

The comparision of AC Nielsen's percentage and VGChartz numbers was done by the thread starter and not by the quoted source. The quoted source also don't say anything about the Wii outselling the ps3+360 combined, it's just a guess of the thread starter.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"