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trashleg said:

Apparently there are a lot of guys out there with broken hearts, can I be the one asking a question this time?

The way the OP describes his feelings for that girl, is it possible to feel that for another girl years later? Or is it one of those once-in-a-lifetime insatiable desire type things?

I'm just as confused when it comes to you guys as you are about girls

Its possible to experience it two times or more, I know that from my own past. Thing is; the feelings grow and mutate when they (the girls) become or already are, unavailable for any reason and one starts to obsess.

However, like I mentioned above, recognizing and dealing with these things get easier as you age and learn a thing or two about both yourself and the opposite sex. What makes these things twice as hard at times is that the person you are in love with seem so nice, it'd be much simpler if they were utter cunts and you could hate them... However, we also tend to place people on a pedestal and attribute the target of our affection a lot of traits they don't actually have and overlook flaws and faults for the sake of maintaining the image of being perfect (OP even describes her as perfect). The girl in question is not unlike dozens and dozens of girls I've known and know in my life, being attracted to "bad boys" is ultimately a sign of immaturity and insecurity and is in essence self destructive behavior. The only reason these boys are "bad" to begin with is that there are girls like her that they can take advantage of. Mind you, his type is not an Alpha Male as many would consider him, aggression, lack of empathy and communicative skills and charisma and complete disregard for consequences for oneself and others are not the signs of an Alpha Male demeanor and behavior pattern at all. "Bad Boys" are beta males with issues and are inherently bad for the basis of any romantic relationship and many times even social ones.