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@depression (Break Ups):

It hurts, sure. but if it was a good relationship, the time youve spent with her was worth it. (Depends, of course, what kind of guy you actually are, but for me, i dont want to forget my first one, even if thinking about it is still uncomfy.)

@ 'you need sex':

depends on the kind of guy. as for me, yes, its a nice gift that comes with a relationship, but laying in the arms of each other is something that makes me happier, because it feels.. warm. (btw, needed to stay alive is only food and water. not sex. ^^)


Maybe your friends were just too... well, lets say overmotivated, and they've picked the wrong girls? because i think a good relationship, where you can say 'thats my soulmate! n' i love her!' just feels right., at least to me.

but on the other hand, it really IS hard to find a girl that is actually the right one for you. ive searched and searched the last years like an idiot, but there were so many just.. well.. 'broken' girls. took me 'til yesterday to get into a relationship with a GF that actually feels right. (And yes, they really come out of nowhere, when you let the thoughts about needing one away lol.)


the thing is; dont stress yourself. dont force yourself into something.if you feel uncomfortable in front of the girl you date, there could be something wrong already.  just continue living, including going out with your friends sometimes.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!