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You sound like the total nerd that I expect most people in this site to be. I'm sorry but it is true.

So, if you are tired of Call of Duty and want something, mmm, graphically better and more challenging, it's never too late to begin hunting. If you are simply afraid of social pressure you can always lie man... unless you are the complete fat mysanthrope people could tell right away you're lying about not being a virgin and whatnot...

Anyways, don't forget that to never try is not to never fail. Unless you live in the USA, of course, where wooing a girl will get you sued or in jail due to sexual harassment. But there is still these relationship sites I guess. 

Oh, and try to play Persona 4 first of all if you don't know where to begin. It is good stuff to inject the idea of what human bonds are in your COD-spoiled brains.