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Honestly I'm 22 and have never had a girl friend. Now sex goes against my religious beliefs prior to marriage. However I still think we are missing out even though I have not dated. I have asked five girls out each time getting shot down, mostly the lets be it sucks.

I also don't just ask any girl out. At the moment I'm in no rush to date, I am a bachelor. I like not having to impress a girl all the time though I do miss the idea of having a partner you can share your emotions with and date. However I have not met a soul mate and to be honest even the girls in their early twenties just seem to immature to me.

Out of the five girls I asked out only one do I honestly still have respect for and wish I got to go out with. I guess I grew up and today am glad I didn't date the other four. So in the end yes your missing out, so am I so are other VGChartz members. But sex doesn't make a man, making out while apparently really fun doesn't make you a better person. A friends dad started dating for the first time in his thirties, he got married to his first girl friend and they are together to this day with three kids.

So just because your twenty one and haven't made out or had sex doesn't mean your not going to in the future. Theirs a time and place for everything and when you meet the right girl you'll ask her out and everything will work out in the end.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer