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Confessing eh? Dangit I sin far to much...

Sorry that I

Mention Canada all the time in the off topic section, what can I say I love my freaking country I can't help but talk about it. But I noticed not many other people talk about their country constently.

I have horrible grammar and try to hide it, I was a proffesional game journalist but I always editted my articles in Microsoft Word then had my editor check them over before they were posted.

I have made threads about myself, Rath pointed out that it is wrong. But heck everyone was making fun of me so I decided to join in and make fun of myself.

I write alot more negative threads then positive, thus resulting in being told I write to many doom threads.

I sometimes mess up threads then edit them to make me look less stupid.

I go trigger thread happy everytime I get excited about new news or upset with new news. I always have to post everything.

I have at times let my VGChartz friends loose debates because I don't care to get involved. Then I feel really bad when Galaki backs me up in a thread. I don't deserve my friends lol.

I bought a PS3 just to play blu-rays and not because I liked the games, though now I like a few.

I have been banned twice for trolling, I don't try to I swear please forgive me.... um VGChartz


I bet I could think of more, maybe later.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer