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DonFerrari said:
Michael-5 said:
drkohler said:
Michael-5 said:

Wait what region are you from? I believe in some European Regions, the PS3 Move bundle is sold at $350 US dollars.

No. During the holidays, the Arcade Kinect bundle was around $250-$300, the 250G Kinect bundle was around $350-$400. The plain 160G PS3 (if available at all) sold for around $350, the 320G bundles (Asscreed/GT5) sold for around $450. Move stuff sold without rebates (but was barely in stock over holidays). MS was basically giving away free Kinects with their bundles, if you compare the prices. Very likely, there was some deal going on between MS and the Media Group, as MS owned the MG shops with advertisements/Kinect kiosks and total shelf space (for all console hardware) was basically 50% Kinect products. Very weird to see how strong MG/MS was pushing Kinect over the holidays.

So how is the PS3 Move bundle offered at a ruduced price over the 360 Kinect bundles? Thats what confuses me.

You said "PS3 Move bundle would be a better option for casual and hardcore with its reduced price." you also said "No Kinect bundles other then the 4GB exist so far."

Now you acknowledge the 250GB Kinect bundle, but I still don't understand this point of reduced price.

If PS3 dropped its price in 2011, 360 would follow. Assuming a $50 price cut, a $350 250GB Kinect bundle would be the exact same price as a $350 PS3 Move Bundle.

Also a 4GB $250 Arcade Kinect bundle would appeal to gamers, hardcore and casual. 360's are built very differently from PS3's, your never forced to install games, and it doesn't really make a difference on 360's. Load times are generally much quicker on 360's then PS3's. I consider myself a hardcore gamer, and I play fine with my 20GB model, which only has 14GB of usable memory. I do have an 8GB thumb drive attached, but I still have more then enough space for all my games.

So a price cut on PS3 and 360 would not somehow help PS3 sales. If anything it would help 360 sales because PS3 an Wii owners could get a 360, with Kinect for only $250. Casual gamers getting a secondary console after their Wii don't need more then 4GB of memory, and PS3 gamers getting 360 as a secondary console won't fill those 4GB either, as they would probably play multi-console games on their PS3's. Also people who are really cheap will be able to afford a 360 without Kinect at $150, which could be a bigger factor then a $250 HD PS3 alltogether.

You demmand logic but don't use it everytime. As PS3 is more expensive it also have more potencial to price cut, and in the way they are now PS3 isn't selling much less... So i can see a price cut being more favorable to PS3 in this case being that would enter a more affordable range, and would possibly have a cut deeper than Xbox.

Anyway, all 3 are doing great.

EDIT: let's move to hate Apple and istuffs, as Nintendo Rep said that the cheap games are destroying the market...

now for everyone but sony the threat scale is: Cheap Games > Pre-owned Games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hackers (and the best part is a lot of users agree with it)

How is PS3 more expensive? 250GB PS3 cost the same as a 250GB 360, and a 320GB Move bundled PS3 cost the same as a 250GB Kinect bundled 360. So if they both saw price cuts, they would both see equal price cuts, unless MS cut's their price below what Sony is capable of bringing the PS3 to.

You demand logic, but don't use it. How could Sony price cut the PS3 more then MS can price cut the 360 when the PS3 costs more to produce?

If anything, a $150 4GB Arcade 360, and a $250 Kinect 4GB Arcade 360 would appeal as a secondary console to both Wii and PS3 owners and likely impact sales more. However Arcade 360's seem to sell the least inventory.

However in your final statement you say PS3 and 360 are doing on par, and I agree. I think the HD consoles will see comparable sales to one another until at least E3, and Wii should lag behind. However in the Holiday season Wii and 360 (due to Kinect) should see strong sales. Still, it will be another year of turns.

P.S. I already know more local cases of PS3 hack then 360 and Wii, so hacking affects PS3.

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