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pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

No, just because you see no value in any person's belief and you think switiching your deepest beliefs prayers and wishes are as simple as changing new shoes doesnt make it so. Why did he choose christianity when he could have choosen any of other hunderds of religions back than?  The fact that he choose Jesus Christ is even more compelling when you consider his own people crusified him and tortured him to death. YOU can cover your ears and say ''OH noesz, hes been brainwashed by those lying bastards, or he could have just picked the religion his own empire has been trying to whipe out for decades., but there is no way he actually believed in Jesus Christ'' BY HIS OWN WORDS, HE SAID he had a vision of Jesus Christ coming down from the skies in the battlefield embracing him and his men. You can believe in this or not, but these were HIS OWN words, he claimed this was the reason he choose Christianity /there is also the fact that his own mother was Christian) His vision of Christ on the evening before the battle at the Pons Milvius, with the message that if he would put a certain sign on the shields of his soldiers this would give him victory (in hoc signo vinces) is pretty convincing. Call this whatever you want, but that means he didnt chose Christianity by accident. He may wasnt a pure christian (he worshiped pagan Sun God), but these kind of stuff cant be ignored in his life.

As for '' without violence'' part, Christianity did spread trough Rome without violence. By the time of apostle Paul, there wre already christians in Rome, by the 2nd century they were under a leadership of a bishop.By the time, Constantine claimed the tile of an emperor, 10% of population in Rome was already christian. Its amazing that so mayn Roman people discriminated christians, and later on, most of them became one. Rome was pretty much already conquerd by Christianity while he sat on the throne as an emperor. When he later became christian, and saw the enormous violence-free growth of Christianity in his empire, he tried to twist it to fit his politics.

Constantine killed other orthodox christians which he tought were fake and put his own christian people in the leadership, he didnt go around killing non- christians in rome for believing in diffrent God, as you would like to believe.      

Pagans were killed for not converting, however it was not Constantine who did that (he didn't even make Christianity the dominat religion).

Anyways, you are aware that Kasz's post doesn't support your "vision" delusion, right?

Regardless, I'm not going to continue this argument, as there's not much point to it. Your ramblings won't change the fact that your religion isn't true, and that it has a violent and bloody past.

They were killed, but not beofre the corrupted Roman leadership used christianity and claimed it as official religion of Rome(by that time christianity already conquerd roman empire) for their own purposes. And Kazs post does prove that christianity did spread in rome without violence. No one said that it wasnt spreaded without violence later on (although the link i provided does show that christianity conquerd Europe violence-free)

Christianity wouldve never gotten big if it hadnt gotten mixed up in politics. What I was saying is that your nonsense about Constantine having had a "vision" is kinda disporven by Kazs post. Christianity is just like any other religion: a bunch of lies that the masses eat up.

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"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

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