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sapphi_snake said:
Disrarge said:

Your argueing makes me LOL. You guys are so stuck in the matrix of false history...

100 years ago, everything became this way... To find the answer to the mystery...

Get out of the matrix guys, practise trancendental meditation till you can leave the matrix and change the past and future with your mind... You'll realize all the religions, history, and physics of the world are an illusion all based on the ultimate truth, which is beyond human words, and can only be experienced directly through meditation, drugs LSD and DMT... And through dying. Prayer also.

Funny that you can find the truth with drugs that induce hallucinations.

If you knew the physics of an LSD and/or DMT trips, you'd know they make you travel to alternate universes(that CAN effect the REAL WORLD) where energy flow are visual and touchable realities.
Did you know... DMT is released during deep meditation(and the deepest sleep dreams)? Did you know... an LSD tripper has opened up the same mental connections(egolessness) that an advanced yogi acheives?

I DO NOT recommend drugs. I said meditation first, before the drugs. Meditation, drugs(hallucenogenic only), and prayer to a higher power are the only things capable of bringing you out of the matrix. (Some claim Gautama Buddha did it without these... But Buddha was actually a hindu and was in constant battle with the God of Death, Mara, he attained nirvana(freedom from the matrix) by battling a god with his own power(and losing, because he had to die to attain the final parinirvana. I want to attain the final parinivana without dying, something Buddha said not possible, because he thought you had to accept death to seek true freedom from the matrix), a higher power was still required to tempt him into denying his birthright(king, ruler, rich man) so he could become the Buddha of our age). 

When you die and wake up in an alternate universe with new memories and know new peoples... Probably sometime around the age of four(in the new reality). You'll understand. Until then, live and die over and over in the matrix not knowing we're in a trancendental program created by the 'gods' and "devils".