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Kinect helped Xbox 360 so much that it ended up as worst selling of all 3 in 2010.... a year where Microsoft had a model price cut, Halo Reach (their strongest franchise), Black Ops ( its on PS3 too, but COD alwyas makes a bigger impact on Xbox) and Kinect with 500.000.000 US dollars ad campaign - AND THEY STILL ENDED UP LAST !!!!!! I barely see how they are gonna top last year with this one. By looks of things they are abandoning the core market and going casual.

Also its good to know that Sony cuts the prices every 2 years...

2007 - PS3 price cut to 399$

2009 - PS3 price cut to 299$

2011 -  PS3 price cut to 199$ ??????

We all know tha its 199$ price that pushes the system for longest time (unless its a launch price) and PS3 managed to to get this far witout it. And we all know how PlayStation products sell at 199$.

^^These are my 2 cents on the sales war situation, I dont care much about that. In my books, PS3 already outsold Xbox because the gap was 5.5 million when Xbox launched and now is 4 million. So PS3 is actually 1.5 million ahead, if you wanna count it fair.