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Have you played both Alan Wake and Heavy Rain? I beat both of them. They are different games in the sense they are a different genre, but the level of quality between the two, the fun factor, and duration are all about the same. Insulting the 360 for games like Alan Wake, but ignore the PS3 for games like Heavy Rain is very one sided logic. Maybe you yourself didn't like Alan Wake, but the idea that you picked it out, and ignored Heavy Rain is just plain biased.

Yea, 360 is getting map pack ads, PS3 is getting LBP2 ads. A whole game versus a map pack..hmm..

PS3 has a ton of exclusives coming out the next month? Out of these exclusices which of them will boost PS3 hardware? Don't say Killzone 3 because Bulletstorm and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 are getting just as many pre-orders per individual console.

BTW this week, it looks like 360 will be above PS3 again, but a larger gap, but still likely under 10k (or 5%).

Yakuza is an 8/10, Prey 1 was a 9/10. You insult the 360 list because more of the 360 exclusives are niche. The only difference between lineup is 360 has more blockbuster titles, PS3 has more multi-million sellers, and 360 has a strong focus on Kinect where Sony is more core gamers.

As for those Bonus Content games, the 360 versions of them all get bonus content too. Only notable ones should be Mortal Kombat for Kratos, No More Heros/Dynasty Warriors 7 for Move, and Dead Space - I just found out about the Extraction Bonus content. Also Record of Argarest War 1 isn't even out yet, and from what I've read the sequel won't be exclusive to PS3. That doesn't even make sence to make a sequel exclusive, but the first one not.

Some Japanese Only 360 exclusives - Monster Hunter Frontier, Espgaluda 2, DeathSmiles IIX, DECCO, Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi,and two exclusives I know nothing above are Voodoo Nights and Versus Tactical Action. PS3 has more, but I don't think these games make a difference in sales.

That Kinect list was a random list I found when I googled Kinect games. I did say about 5 of them were being released on the PS3, and I've never heard of Fantastic Pets, maybe it's not out in all region for Kinect?

Dynasty Warriors 7, a multiconsole game, will move PS3, when older Dynasty Warriors failed to move anything?

Killzone has the potential to be a good game, but it will most likely just satisfy current fans. If you look at NA pre-orders I beleive Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 on the PS3 is tracking higher, and BulletStorm for the 360 is about the same. Killzone 3 will be a great game, but it's just not that massive of a franchise. It won't push too many consoles since there is a pile of equally good multiplatforms comming at the same time.

I just pulled a Kinect list in 5 seconds of search. Your the one who found some crazy in depth PS3 blog, and still the number of exclusives is higher on 360. So :P

That Kinect game list had release dates, very few were TBA.

Anyway, what I said before, it's not just the number of games, it's the number of console pushers. PS3 really only has Uncharted 3, and maybe Agent this year as console pushers. 360 has Forza, Gears, and it's very likely that a new Halo will be released this year (as 343 Studios promised a new Halo every year), and the 360 Kinect exclusive lineup (plus Modern Warfare 3 being more MS associated) will almost certainly maintain 360 sales above PS3 for the fall, at least November onward.

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