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NYANKS said:
Crystalchild said:

knewing that w/o being a member. :>

yes, the PS3 is, theoretically, much stronger than 360 Wii combined. The Problem is, that the stuff inside the 360 is more opted for gaming than the PS3, so much of this power is going to waste.

Really? I didn't know that.  So PS3's architecture is wasting that much energy?  Source?  Stronger than both combined would be nuts...

The CELL is a stronger multimedia and imaging processor. This is why the PS3 has been rated one of the best Blu-ray players since launch, and the Slim PS3 has a slightly improved CELL that improved its ability to decode audio. It is also very useful for medical instruments, which it can produce a sliced image of a person in 1/10th of the time standard imaging equipment was able to do before the CELL's launch.

It is really the incorrect processor for a gaming console.

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