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No actually it proves my point about the falsehoods in the bible, see the whole reason is, that there are many who view bible as literally true  (according to gallup 31%of Americans

So your argument that  it disproves my point is false, if people believe that the bible is literally true then that proves that many don't view it as purely non literal, and therefore me arguing its falsehoods based on a literal interpretation is valid.

31% is rather popular, its not the largest, granted, but large enough to argue the point, and your comment that it is a recent construct, is probably lacking as well, since you have nothing to vailidate that argument that the average peasants in the past didn;t think it was literally true as well.

As for your argument that the burden of proof has fallen on me is wrong, since as I've shown, I can point out falsehoods in their own holy books, and they cannot prove the existence of their god, so that does indicat that their beliefs are false, since the falsehoods have been proven, and many take it as literal, hence saying that religions are false has been already proven, its up to you to prove god exists.