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LivingMetal said:

Bulletstorm Dev Talks Xbox 360 Hardware Limitation

Hey, we didn't say it. A lot of you have said it before, though, and maybe you've been waiting for a non-PlayStation-affiliated developer to admit it.

During an interview with Xbox Community Network, People Can Fly Creative Director for Bulletstorm Adrian Chmielarz spoke about the limitations of the aging Xbox 360 hardware. In truth, it does indeed affect what they can and can't do, although he says one can still manage to produce quality with that hardware. It's just a matter of ambition. When asked if the 360 was stopping them from doing what they'd like, the director's response was as follows:

"Yes, but any developer in the world will ALWAYS say that, no matter what. We could have 128 GB of RAM and it still won't be enough. Seriously, though, it feels pretty good making games on Xbox 360. As you can see with the exclusive titles like Halo and Gears or multiplatform titles like Bulletstorm, the quality is high enough not to feel any pressure for the next generation. People like the current gen, and I think we still have a lot of room for exploration."

The 360 has been blamed by PlayStation 3 fans for holding developers back and making multiplatform titles...well, less than they could've been. Numerous examples seem to back up that claim, but it's rare to see a developer say anything but, "the game will be identical on both platforms." Maybe it is time to admit it. PS3 exclusives sort of drive the point home.

2/2/2011 8:59:11 PM Ben Dutka

So did you actually READ the interview and purposefully present the blatantly misrepresented data, or did you just simply cut and paste it, cause you like what it said, I wonder?

To psextreme though -agenda driven "reporting" like this, gives all game journalist a bad name.