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d21lewis said:

FIVE HOURS!?  Not even sure I could beat it on easy mode that fast!!

It was surprisingly easy. Teleport (well, Charge -- whatever) in with Vanguard. Boomstick. Teleport. Boomstick. Teleport to bad guy by door to next area. Boomstick. Run through. Teleport. Boomstick. Skip most conversations because I've heard them all about twenty times (excepting Mordin's G&S rendition -- can't skip that; it would be a crime). Then back to teleport and boomstick.

I just watched my wife complete the last battle on the mission to pick up the Krogan. She spent about 5 minutes there on Normal difficulty. By comparison, I arrived, Charged the Boss. Shotgunned her in the face with Incendiary, killing her after just a few shots. Reloaded then Charged the YMIR and shotgunned it until dead. Took about 10 seconds. None of the Krogan had time to even get out of their tanks. I was stunned at how quickly it could be done.

I didn't set out to complete it in 5 hours or so. It just kinda happened as it was all so easy after playing on Insanity for so long.