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richardhutnik said:
Conegamer said:
Crystalchild said:
Soleron said:

You're playing free advertising for EA, improving their corporate image in your mind. That was probably worth 10 developers * 3 months to achieve.

i think this project looks more like 1 dev and 2 days, if theyve just recycled Material/Engine/Textures n stuff and sclaed them down. and scripting and voices arent hard.


AMAZING thing though :D Bitchslap into CoDs Face

I think that makes it the greatest thing ever


@richardhutnik, how is it the same? This game is free, and also a bit of a joke. I wouldn't take it too seriously if I were you!

If FPS keeps copying one another, there is a risk of market oversaturation.  What was in that parody video isn't only a shot at Call of Duty, but one can throw in Medal of Honor and also Bad Company to.

Anyhow, I hope the emoticons I meant to post in there, were there.  I wasn't fully serious.

But of course! Over-saturation has to be the most dangerous thing in gaming today, especially coming towards the end of the generation...

We'll see. And yes, I understood it wasn't fully serious


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.