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LordTheNightKnight said:
r505Matt said:

Jeez, is this thread still going on? Someone just post sales figures for the main FF titles and be done with it. There may be debate as to whether the series has gone stale or not, but it has definitely not burnt out. Not until a main FF sells under 500k can it be more resolutely declared "Burnt out".


Sadly, people like the whole emo-drama crap. It actually started with FF8 when Sakaguchi was still there, but granted, he wasn't directly involved with the project. Unfortunately, the emo-drama stuff is here to stay, and is the one thing that's really pushing me away from FF games in general. I don't mind faulty combat (so long as it's still at least kind of fun, like FF13) or weak stories/characters, just keep all this soap-opera style drama away. FF games can still be an enjoyable experience to me, even when flawed, so long as the pre-teen emo-angsty-soap opera drama is no where in sight.

You didn't read the OP, as it's not about sales.

Sure I did, I think the issue here is that people are disagreeing about what 'burnt out' means. If the most recent legimate iteration of a game series has sold 6 million copies (FF14 really doesn't count in this case), how can anyone justify that as 'burnt out'? Thus I have said some may argue as to whether it is stale or not, but sales are a great indication of how a game series is received by the public. No one can reasonably claim the series is burnt out until FF13-2 or FF15 fails to reach even a moderate level of success.

Without something quantitative like sales, one can only subjectively judge if a series is burning out (more on that in a bit too). And don't get me wrong, I do feel that the FF series is burning out, but to be burnt-out means 'to be worn out or exhausted'.That is not the case just yet.

With FF13 having sold 6 millon copies, it is rash and irresponsible to judge that the series is worn out. Again, argue all you want about whether the series has gone stale, or you just don't like the direction the series is headed. These are subjective things, and by nature neither side can right or wrong. But a term such as 'burnt out' is actually quite objective. Applying subjective feelings and thoughts to an objective concept is wrong, at least when there are quantitative observations to support an objective approach.

That all said, the point in the Destructoid article are all quite valid, but they don't point in any objective or meaninful way that FF is burnt out. Burning out maybe, but NOT burnt out. There is a big difference. If the FF series was burnt out, there wouldn't be 3 FF games in development, there would be 0.

Besides, the OP says nothing about sales anyways, did you read the OP?