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sapphi_snake said:
rocketpig said:
sapphi_snake said:
rocketpig said:

If we give up on the idea of rehabilitation, our entire concept of justice and imprisonment may as well be thrown out the window.

What those kids did to that toddler was terrible but it must be kept in mind that they were children themselves. Advocating the murder of children in response to their misguided thought processes is just as repulsive as the atrocities they committed.

So what if they were children? They behaved worse than adults, and they still continue to behave that way today. Maybe killing them is too much, but a lifetime of solitary confinement is ver appropriate I think. Got any better solutions?

Any attempt to rehabilitate a ten year old mind is always a better option than locking it up and throwing away the key. Ten year olds can't fully distinguish right from wrong and do not have the emotional capacity to fully understand their actions. These children were obviously disturbed but that doesn't give a self-proclaimed "progressive" society the right to just cast them aside and try to forget about them.

If we stop trying to rehabilitate the causes of criminal activity, there's no point in continuing down this path. Just shoot everyone who commits a crime in the head and be done with it.

I, for one, would like to think that in the year of 2011, we're better than that as a people.

I think it's one of the self-proclaimed "progressive" society you talk about's faults that they think "rehabilitation" is a solution to this. It's a typical situation of turning the bullies into victims, and abandoning the real victims.

Those two knew very well what they were doing. They never to this day shoed any remorse for what thety did. One of them is even back in jail for peadophilia activities. The only thing these two deserve is to be punished. "Rehabilitation" should be reserved for the situations where someone who commits a small crime (like someone who steals because they come from a poor background) can be brought on the right path and prevent them from commiting bigger crimes. Someone who cold kills an infant in cold blood doesn't deserve "rehabilitation". All they deserve is punishment, not a pat on the back for their acts, like these two got.

All i'm going to say is... Romanian Liberalism is weird.

So much like Neo Conservatism it isn't funny.