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themanwithnoname said:

I find it hilarious that people keep insisting Microsoft should've bought BioWare.

A) They weren't worth the money EA bought them for.

B) Their games don't sell enough to make a huge difference anyway.


C) lol at Old Republic costs

EDIT: btw, is there a point to this thread other than "haha, 360 doesn't have as many exclusives as the other consoles?" If not, I don't know why I bothered commenting.

Wait. Isn't your law backwards? Doesn't the probability of the comment "America =/= the world" approach 1 as a NPD thread gets longer? Or is it the sarcastic sort of comment like "right, because America = the world" that you're law is referring to?

As to the topic. Yeah, well one blow up/meltdown because of ME2 going to PS3 =/= the meltdowns about Final Fantasy XIII going (simultaneos release in the west) multi.

As to the Bioware purchase thing: perhaps Microsoft thought that by owning most of the rights to ME1 they pretty much had the whole franchise sown up even with Bioware going to a multiplat publishing house. Obviously if they made such an assumption they were a little naive. OTOH if they weren't fussed about ME going bi-console because on console they will always own the definitive franchise it kinda diminished the attractiveness of buying the whole company.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix