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radiantshadow92 said:
disolitude said:

The moment you're playing a game that needs 2 analog stick, youre not playing a very good portable game but a wannabie console game.

Also 3DS has 2 analog inputs...touch screen and analog stick.

So I disagree.

The best games on the PSP are the "wannabe console" games. So i wouldn't be so quick to underestimate them.

If you are the type of person that brings a portable gaming console when on vacation and play it on the beach or anywhere else other than the airport and are pretty hardcore in to gaming, and dual analog sticks may be important to you as you really might enjoy console types of games on the go.

But for most of us who play these games as a quick gaming fix on the bus, train to work...or as a short session before bed when we cant sleep...console types of games are just not a good mobile gaming experience. I personally can't play something like COD or Halo while on the have to be completely oblivious to your surroundings since the game requires 100% of your attention and I can't do that when I have people around me.