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trashleg said:

if i lacked compassion, what would that say about me?

i understand that this is a very emotional case. trust me, i do. And it obviously upsets you very much, but i think that your emotions are maybe running on "full".  My mum told me a few years ago that after it was on the news she would hold me that little bit tighter when we went out to the shops, watch me that little bit closer.

I don't agree with them being released. They are a threat. Imagine a young woman falling in love with one of these men, marrying him and bearing his children - never knowing his past. Its a scary, possible, thought.

You mention justice. What justice would come of essentially neglecting two children, be it in a jail or otherwise? The family of James B. will never have "true justice". But these children were deprived, rightly, of their freedom, their families and everything else. But as I already stated, to keep them in bare cells, with nothing to occupy their days, would not help anyone.

Compassion is what makes you > the other guy. 

An even more scary thought is what they would probably do to those poor children.

I guess "justice" would be recieving a proper punishment for doing something wrong. THey only spent 8 years, and in a juvenile institution, not a jail. They had better conditions in there, than they had at home (and from my undertsanding they had abusive families, so leaving them at home would've probably been a better option to punish them). It's really not such a terrible place to be in. They even had access to education, and after they were out they had the opportunity to start their lives over.

In my opinion, considering what they've (gory details and all), the only "just" punishment would be for them to loose their lives. This doesn't mean that they should be killed, but they should be robbed of the oppotunity to have a life (in other words they should spend life in solitary confinement: no TV, no exercise, no one to talk to, nothing to read, just themselves and their thoughts for the rest of their existence). I think that would bring peace maybe to the victim's families, but it would definately bring peace to the general population (including me ), because you'd know that you can't go around doing something like this without suffering true consiquences.

There's no heaven or hell, so if you want people to be good you have to create a hell on earth, to make regular society seem like heaven.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
