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I found this article on the sales of THE LAST STORY.  It's in French, so the translation is quite laughable, but it DOES have hope.

Google Translation reads: Just yesterday that the Japanese were finally able to get hold of The Last Story, the latest baby of Hironobu Sakaguchi and Mistwalker, and I gave my soul to the devil for them.

Si pour le moment on ne connait pas les chiffres officiels, d'après le site nintendo master, de nombreuses enseignes se sont fait dévaliser et la totalité des copies prévues le jour du lancement (environ 400 000 copies) sont parties sur les chapeaux de roue

For the moment we do not know the official figures from Nintendo, but many retailers have been robbed and all copies scheduled for launch day (approximately 400 000 copies) are parties to a flying wheel.

C'est une excellente nouvelle, dans tous les sens du terme, parce qu'elle donne du poids à une localisation occidentale.

This is great news, in every sense of the term, because it gives weight to a western location.