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The virtual console is a great way for Nintendo to bring in additional profit without developing any new material. It allows Nintendo to fight piracy by offering the same content at a cost effective price which can persuade many to legally download there games.

 In the end virtual console is doing amazing things for Nintendo. But could the Virtual Console lead to even greater things for gamers. I mean sales of older games could inspire Nintendo to develope newer versions or sequals to these old games. When Nintendo sees the old game still sells extremely well they might be inspired to bring the game franchise back. My prime examples below!


Donkey Kong - during the GameCube era Nintendo produced multiple unsuccesful Donkey Kong games. These Bongo based games all crashed and burned and Donkey Kongs first appearance on Wii was a dismal failure. Many have said Donkey Kong is over and Nintendo themselves have cut back, it would appear that the Donkey Kong franchise has out lived its usefulness. But the Virtual Console is proving otherwise showing Nintendo that Donkey Kong as a franchise is as popular as ever, its just that Nintendo themselves are screwing up. This could inspire Nintendo to go back and return to its more traditional approach maybe ditch the unique new features and concentrate on classic gameplay. All three DKC games are now availible on VC once DK64 is released pretty much every DK game will be succesfully selling on VC. Lets hope this inspires Nintendo to make a more classic Donkey Kong game. 

Pokemon Snap -, unlike Hudson's other Nintendo spinoff series (MarioParty) the Pokemon Snap series was short lived with only a single game. However if Pokemon Snap sells very well on the Virtual Console it could inspire Hudson to take up the franchise and create a new Pokemon Snap.

 Ports to North America. Games like EarthBound were traditionally weak in North America. Nintendo chose not to port EarthBound Zero or EarthBound Mother 3. However if EarthBound sells extremely well on Virtual Console it could inspire Nintendo to port EarthBound Zero to VC and maybe in the future EarthBound Mother 3 in some way.


So could the Virtual Console actually help bring us some of our favorite franchises? Could they inspire Nintendo to change the way it does things and give us the games we want? 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer