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oniyide said:

@kungkras  its like bobbert said thats what you were playing back in those days. it was 90% 2d plats on consoles no FPSs, only SNES got any JRPGs but barely, no FPSs and a couple of fighters. Ive felt that ive played my fair share of 2d plats to last a lifetime. thats why I dont go gaga over NSMB it IMHO it doesnt do anything that differently than the other 10 2d mario games or plats in general ive played over the years. As for FPSs i long for the day when Halo and COD(which i do like) crash under their own weight. its good to see some young gamers appreciate the older games. I get so pissed when these little pukes disregard the old games cause it doesnt look cool

you just sound old and bitter i dont see why you care why young people dont appreciate older stuff, and NSMB doesnt need to do anything different, it just has to be fun (which it is)

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.