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Yeah, OK... if games were $100 a pop, then everyone would just wait for Black Friday lmao!  Nobody spends $100 on a game, unless in comes bundled with some kind of plastic instrument haha!

Seriously though... who's gonna spend $100 on the next yearly installment of Madden or Call of Duty??

Though I do agree with the OP on one thing... it wasn't uncommon to see games back in the 90's, specifically certain SNES and N64 launch games, retail for upwards of $80, and adjusted for inlfation that's almost $100 in today's money.  So yeah, you kids today who whine about your games being $59.99 or even more for "collector's editions"... we old-school gamers were paying those prices for the "regular" editions of our games more than 15 years ago!

That's right... almost all of those games that you can now get for $5-$10 on the Virtual Console, XBLA or PSN, we were paying $60-$70 for!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.