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KungKras said:
oniyide said:

@KungKras  I see says the blind man, now I understand, you missed that whole 16 bit era. I gotcha man. I see where your coming from. I started gaming with nintendo and platformers where a dime a dozen, i played the greats (SOnic, Mario) the not so greats (Aero the acrobat) and everything in between. I see how you would like to want to have more 2d plats, but from my point of view, as a guy who has played a ton of them, im far less excited

Yup, I missed it all, although the last few years, i started getting bored with modern gaming, and started reading up on everything I've missed, and today I own a Megadrive, a SNES, a Dreamcast, and a NES, with tons of games for all of them (among the consoles I got new of course), and have plans on getting a Master System and a Saturn.

Which makes me living proof against the argument that people only like old games because of nostalgia :D

But enough of that.

It's good that you can see why people would want these games then. After all, pure 2D platformers have not been made for almost two decades, which means a LOT of people haven't experienced them.

What surprises me is that you're still tired of those games after all these years. Although I wouldn't mind if most of the generic FPS games of this gen dissapeared forever, so I guess that's what it's like to live through a dominant genre.

Probably because 90% of games from 1985 to 1999 were 2D platformers. 3D might have been the only thing you've played, but 3D games have been around for about 10 years and your sick of them (not 20 like you say). You can't even understand the point it got to where you would see a big budget game and be like 'oh boy, another 2D plat' on a scale where it's 100x more annoying than seeing a shoddy, low-budget FPS today.

FPS saved us from the 'A jumps and B shoots', games we played for 15 straight years. Also, it's more casual in the sense that those are the only two buttons, you don't need to know how to duck, strafe, change weapons, throw a grenade, etc. etc. During the PS2/Xbox era it became so difficult to play games, people felt like you needed a Ph.D. in video gaming just to touch the systems. That's the market the wii got, and so of course there's a lot more of the 2-button games on the system. When a GOOD 2D plat comes out, I'll play it, and the sales for those releases on PS360 show that anyone will buy it