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twesterm said:
Hephaestos said:

damn comming for you I was afraid of what i'd hear, but it's a good video, sound arguments.

I loled at:

"Do not tangle with the kind of people who instal linux on their playstations"

I mean really, it's so true....


on a side note, while I agree that the i'm too poor argument is a very bad one and that games are just a luxury, i have to disagree on the game isn't worth the money.... How can you justify a 100M budget game like GTA4 that last hours and hours of quality gameplay to be the same price as ninjabread man (or whatever that was called)? I had a real issue with game prices in France... then I started importing from the UK, where the prices are 1/2 or lower.... I believe the price doesn't match the demand in many countries and that is a big effect to piracy. Just look at nintendo games... they start out cheaper than HD ones and stay at their release price for a much longer time too... it's just that they are at a more customer complient price. Steam's sucess is also an other proof of that... heck I even bought old games I already had because it's less of a hassle to have it on steam ^^.


oh well that was my rant.

Well, NinjaBreadMan and the likes generally aren't full priced games and those discount games have their places.

My sister who has three young children and they all love games.  They love them so much that they can go through them fairly quickly.  They're also at that age where they don't really know a good game or a bad game, they just know they like seeing the little guy jump around the screen.  Finally, they're also at that age where the same thing over and over and over isn't going to keep them enterained for the longest time.

Now, because of what people call shovelware, my syster can buy her kids more games for less money.  Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Ninja Bread Man will both keep the kids entertained the same amount of time but one of those costs a lot less money.

Just because you don't like it or the fact that it is in fact terrible doesn't make it worthless.  Besides, if it were truly worthless then just don't buy it.  Pirating it shows deman, not buying it shows you don't want it.

wrong word..

Worth less


Worthless =)

you got most of my point... I did indeed say there was demand, as you gave an examples of your nefews and nieces, just that the price was not matching it. ( as an example, I strongly believe that the Iphone games work so well due to the low pricing model, which fits the fact thay they are indeed worth less than the average console/portable game)

In a sence you have similar arguments... as you say your sister is able to buy games for less money. This is similar to when I said I bought from the UK where the price is 1/2..... I had started buying second hand in france (which in my eyes is the same as piracy as the devs get 0... though I bought from ebay and not stores... which is even less money reinfused in the industry ^^), and probably would have ended up modding the console if I didn't have this legal alternative of importing (that last part is where our opinion on the subject differs :p) (for handhelds I was importing from the US... which too is 1/2 french price...).