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damn comming for you I was afraid of what i'd hear, but it's a good video, sound arguments.

I loled at:

"Do not tangle with the kind of people who instal linux on their playstations"

I mean really, it's so true....


on a side note, while I agree that the i'm too poor argument is a very bad one and that games are just a luxury, i have to disagree on the game isn't worth the money.... How can you justify a 100M budget game like GTA4 that last hours and hours of quality gameplay to be the same price as ninjabread man (or whatever that was called)? I had a real issue with game prices in France... then I started importing from the UK, where the prices are 1/2 or lower.... I believe the price doesn't match the demand in many countries and that is a big effect to piracy. Just look at nintendo games... they start out cheaper than HD ones and stay at their release price for a much longer time too... it's just that they are at a more customer complient price. Steam's sucess is also an other proof of that... heck I even bought old games I already had because it's less of a hassle to have it on steam ^^.


oh well that was my rant.