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It would never happen, loads of PC games of the year have been rife with hackers for months until updates have been released and then the cycle starts again of the hackers finding exploits.  The only problem with these hackers is the effect on the Cod community on PS3.  I've seen it on every PC shooter I've ever played online, once hacks hit a game the community turn on anyone under suspicion, this results in the great players getting insulted and accused even more than usual. 

This is as much Sony's problem as Activision's, at the end of the day Activision were reliant upon the security of PSN for hack prevention.  My guess is Actvision will tag on some anti cheat protection while Sony work to make PSN secure from the hackers.

Don't be under any illusions, this is a Sony problem first and foremost, Cod was just chosen as the primary target for hackers being the most popular game on the console.