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People have to remember that:

Call of Duty doesn't have DEDICATED SERVERS for GAMES but for Stats collection. They use the already Horrendous Peer to Peer System that is clearly broken in all games that use it for competitive play but to top it off the stat collection servers are laggy, slow and plain terrible. Worst that the past call of duty games 

But servers are needed so the Peer to Peer network can work. So yes shutting off all servers will shut down Multiplayer but before people go on an flame war about how 360 had worst connection than PS3 in MW2, i will answer. 

Call of duty uses Peer to Peer, meaning players connect to the hosts ps3 and plays on there internet connection, problems are that if the host leaves the game stops, someone starts using there connection the games lag and if you live far away from the host you are going to lag. So for all games that use Peer to Peer PS3 and 360 have both equally bad connections. But the reason why PS3 seemed better for MW2 was it had Better Match making for an period of time before 360 and believed to be an direct match making port of the IW net match making. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong