shio said: AOE is still a popular franchise, but the series went from AOE2, to AOE3, to nothing. Only now there's an effort with AOE Online, but it looks just a decent effort at best. I'm not sure that 2 million would make AOE3 one of the best selling PC games of 2005, but 2 millions is still nice, hell, it might have even reached 3 millions already. However, Age of Empire 2 definitely sold more than that in a smaller market at the time. |
AOE Online is a lot better than I thought it was going to be (in the beta currently). The art style may look a little strange but as I said previously, it retains the best bits from all AOE games, so it should be good. I still have a few criticisms but that's why it's in the beta stage at the moment. In fact, it's one of the few games where I'm happy to play even though it uses GFWL (which I hate) and it's still only in the beta stage. They're making a decent effort with this title.