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@Torillian  your wasting your time, i bet my bottom dollar that most of these guys talking "platformers are dead on Wii" dont even own a HD console, so they have no idea what they're talking about. Wii do better with platformers??? Sure. That doesnt mean its dead on HDs, not with Trine 2, new Rayman, new Bonk coming down the pipe

@KungKras  I see says the blind man, now I understand, you missed that whole 16 bit era. I gotcha man. I see where your coming from. I started gaming with nintendo and platformers where a dime a dozen, i played the greats (SOnic, Mario) the not so greats (Aero the acrobat) and everything in between. I see how you would like to want to have more 2d plats, but from my point of view, as a guy who has played a ton of them, im far less excited