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jarrod said:
Degausser said:

 If we agree Sonic has done fine on both sets of consoles, I don't think I've seen a 3rd party Wii platformer do that minus Epic Mickey either... that's a grand total of 1 vs 0... hardly an inspiring victory.

 I could make it 1 vs 1 if we include Kung Fu Panda :P.

I actually wouldn't agree on Sonic, not entirely.  Sonic 2006 bombed (and deservedly so), but Unleashed still sold far less than it should have HD side, especially when compared to the inferior Wii release.  I think Unleashed did okay all told on the HD twins, but I think even Sega was expecting better (which is likely in part why Colors went Wii only).

And let's not forget there have been multiple big Sonic sellers on Wii (Secret Rings, Unleashed, Colors is off to a promising start) and even the noted "bomb" in the group (Black Knight) still sold almost as well as Unleashed on 360 and PS3.  There's also other Wii successes, like Epic Mickey and de Blob... de Blob 2 (which is multi) should be interesting to watch...

 Sonic games would sell on PS360 if they bothered to release them, I think there is one coming this year though so we'll see. But yeah I was really just trying to point out that by setting up that criteria to wipe out Sony's platformers, you really do leave the genre on the Wii with very little to boast about. You'd have been much better just keeping 1st party titles in to make your point :P.

 I'm looking forward to de Blob 2 and think it will be interesting to see how it does. Obviously it should dominate in sales on the Wii, but sequels on the console have been a mixed bag so maybe it's uniqueness on the HD consoles will help it, or something. 


 Also with regards to this downloadable title debate, I can only reiterate what others are saying in that alot of the $10 / $15 games on PSN / XBLA are far better games then many full retail titles, far better value propositions and in some instances full of more content. It's still a new segment of the industry that is in it's early life, growing every year, but it's becoming more and more relevent (Digital as a whole is set to overtake retail this year) and it's giving us games and experiences that simply couldn't exsist through the retail route which can never be a bad thing.