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ghaleon1980 said:

God of War 3 is a fantastic game (as are 1 and 2) but better than Mass Effect 2?  Not even close.   Do you guys realize how incredibly epic this game is?  2 or 3 console generations from now people will look back at 2010 as the time when Mass Effect 2 defined this generation.



Can I ask how it defined the 7th gen?

I would say the defining games of the 7th gen so far are mainly:

Wii Sports (Instrumental to the Wii's success, illustrates motion control and the growth of 'pick up and play' games on consoles)

NSMBDS and/or Wii (Shows the 7th gen's resurgent platformer genre and Nintendo's rise, Wii version also shows importance of split screen multiplayer)

Any 7th gen CoD (Rise of the FPS in popularity, among the biggest genres in West, online play)

Nintendogs (rise of the so called 'casual gamer', handhelds dominate more than in past generations)

Wii Fit (growing acceptance of games in mainstream culture, fitness games, interactive)

Monster Hunter/Dragon Quest IX (handheld dominance of Japan, high profile 3rd party support of DS/PSP)