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I agree it's awful, and it's clearly sexist.  In protest usually a woman tries to register on her 18th birthday every year, but the ‘liberal news’ media hasn’t covered it in years.

There was No draft (Selective Service), then Regan put it back in.  Yup, that Regan dude so many people claim to love.  I can't think of things more un-free than to force people to go kill other people.  People they don't know and with whom they have no personal argument.

They were talking about reinstating it during the current two wars.  And there was talk about increasing the age to 35.

It's very disturbing, perhaps you can work on ending the practice?



Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!