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Anoop over at Andriasang has translated a recent interview in Famitsu about SSFIV's online multiplayer on 3DS, and it reveals that the 3DS will indeed be using friend codes, much like the DS/Wii:

You'll be able to select from three types of play: "quick match," which pairs you up with an opponent instantly, "custom match," which lets finds an opponent based off conditions that you've set, and "friend match", which lets you select an opponent from your friend list. You add players to your friend list by exchanging friend codes.

UPDATE 4:57 -- Regarding the friend codes and friend list, Famitsu does not make any mention about these being game-specific or universal across the 3DS system. We'll presumably have to wait for clarification from Nintendo.

Hopefully they'll at least be universal.

A lot of the news this past week has made me somewhat disappointed in the 3DS as an actual piece of hardware.  It's looking to have the best software line up of any new console ever, but between the probable price, region locking, friend codes, and questionable battery life (though we still need more details on this last point), I find the actual device isn't turning out as good as I hoped it would.

It's ultimately all about the games, though, and things are looking great on that front.