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morpheusx said:

I agree with pretty much everything that was mentioned above. One thing that I would like to note is that it is amazing how under appreciated the N64 was considering it has at least 5 games that come to mind that rank as some of the greatest games of all time and it didn't have anything even close on the competition during its generation. (mario 64, goldeneye, Ocarina, Banjo, Perfect Dark) 

The N64 had several very good games, but it also had very few games in general. After 3 and a half years, there were only something like 82 games total on the console.

Banjo Kazooie remains my favourite 3D platformer; but I was disappointed with Mario 64, it didn't blow me away as promised; at least not in the same way that Super Mario Brothers 3 and Donkey Kong Country did. Although Ocarina of Time succeeded, and was another one of those ultra-hyped games that lived up to the hype for me; I can't think of one that has been released since.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.