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Seece said:
Euphoria14 said:
Seece said:

I'm not attacking you, just stating what you do on this website. If there is nothing wrong with what you do, then it can't be attacking can it

It's not "just a few" negative articles, there have been times I've seen up to 3 negative MS articles on 1st page of MS forum. You can try and twist and turn the reason why "Oh he should be allowed, just because he doesn't own the console doesn't mean he can't post negative news"

The FACT of the matter is, whether it's right or wrong, whether you have good intentions or not, you're not helping this site, you're just making it more hostile by riling up 360 fans. And yes others do it on other consoles (not really to the same calibre as you used to) and they're just as bad.

So the site is only helped when positive news is posted? You're not doing your userbase any favors by not bringing them the news from every angle. Why do you think so many browse sites like N4G for gaming news? Obviously we hurting the site by not posting enough news, which is why Brett was so curious to know where we all go for our news and wanted explanations as to why.

I guess I hurt the site yesterday too when some PS3 fans got riled up from my Geohot thread. I was even called a supporter of piracy, not to mention this week I was also called a Nintendo hater, now obviously it is thought that I have something against the 360.


It's not my fault that some users can't except that negative news exists, not to mention can't accept that not everyone has a positive view on everything. Seems I piss off everyone equally.

In reality, I don't hurt the site at all.

Yes you do, you try to bring out the worst in people. Just being a PS3 fan posting 360 news on it's own is provocative, whya re you so obsessed with doing it?

It's not about being easily riled up, if you like coming to the charts, and keep seeing negative article after another (of which I might add are crappy peices of news not worth knowing anyway most of the time) then it becomes tedious. Couple that with the fact 10's of gloating fans come in to troll and stealth troll, and yes a lot of people get pissed off, and you've create a shit storm. Again whether that's right or wrong is neither here nor there, the end result is the same.

And do you think you don't rile people up Seece? With your constant hit-and-run insults?

And you assessment is flawed: It is not provocative in and of itself. It's just that YOU are making a big deal out of it. You deem it as stealth trolling when it is not. 

And note that it was the Pro-MS people that deemed MS articles as negative when posted by someone who isn't Pro-MS. It's as if you're trying to invalidate any point the so-called "negative" article may be trying to bring up. Do you honestly get that flustered when articles are posted? Enough to call the poster a stealth-troll and be done with it? And I doubt if someone Pro-MS posted an Anti-Sony article you'd call them out. And trust me, that happens a lot around here and I don't see you coming to the rescue over there.

It is not our fault the site has seen a rise in trolling either. Nor anyone else's. So then, there is no need to stop making threads because trolls might get angry. In fact, let them get angry and get themselves banned. That's a better option. 

We know that Pro-MS people won't post Anti-MS news, and now you're saying people Pro-MS can't either. Do you want this place to be a bastion of positive news then?  Where no negative news may flow in? No. This is not the site for that. Go to a 360 site if you don't want negative news, but don't complain there is negative news here.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you