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FINAL FANTASY XIII is Awesome Role Playing Game(RPG) Developed by was developed by SQUARE-ENIX PDD1  and Published by SQUARE-ENIX released in December 2009 in Japan and March 2010 in the US and Europe.

Final Fantasy  XIII is probably the polarizing Final Fantasy since well Final Fantasy XII  because like Fina Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIII atemted to change how we perseve the RPG Genre.

Final Fantasy XIII is set within the world of Gran Pulse. Central to the story is Cocoon, a massive artificial sphere that floats above Pulse's surface and is ruled by the Sanctum, a theocratic government. The two worlds are controlled by fal'Cie (pronounced, mechanical beings with godlike power, each based around a crystal and created by a god-like figure called the Maker.The Cocoon fal'Cie are responsible for keeping Cocoon floating, as well as providing light and water to the people that live inside. Each fal'Cie handles a specific task.The fal'Cie have the capability of marking the humans, also created by the Maker, that live in Pulse and Cocoon as their servants. These servants, called l'Cie, are branded with a symbol representing either Pulse or Cocoon, and are additionally given a "Focus", a task to complete. If the l'Cie complete their task in time, they are transformed to crystal and according to legend gain eternal life; otherwise they become mindless monsters called Cie'th. The l'Cie are not explicitly told their focus, but are instead given visions that they must interpret.

Several hundred years before the events of the game, a battle between Pulse and Cocoon took place known as the War of Transgression. The battle involved l'Cie from Pulse attacking Cocoon and ripped a large hole in Cocoon in the process. Eventually, the l'Cie completed their focus and were turned to crystal. The hole was patched with material lifted from Pulse, and Cocoon's citizens have since lived in fear of another invasion, which is used by the Sanctum to remain in power.The Sanctum oversees two military branches, the Guardian Corps and PSICOM, the special forces in charge of dealing with anything having to do with Pulse. The fal'Cie have given the humans advanced technology, including flying airships and mechanical creatures, though a form of magic also exists. This magic is normally only accessible to l'Cie, fal'Cie, and various monsters in Cocoon and Pulse, though distilled chemical forms can be used by normal humans

The cast of characters of Final Fantasy XIII are Lightning a former soldier, who is very similar to Kusanagi Motoko of Ghost in the Shell, and is the older sister to Serah; Snow Villiers, Serah's fiancee and leader of NORA, a paramilitary group; Oerba Dia Vanille, the game's narrator and an exile who is revealed to be a l'Cie from Pulse; Sazh Katzroy, a marksman and a father to a young boy, Dajh; Hope Estheim, a young boy who loses his mother early in the game; and Oerba Yun Fang, a l'Cie from Pulse who is serving as a soldier of the Sanctum's Calvary branch. Other characters include Galenth Dysley, the ruler of the Sanctum Cid Raines, a Sanctum Brigadier General who doesn't trust the government; and Serah Farron, Lightning's sister and Snow's fiancee.

The Battle System used in Final Fantasy XIII seems to has its origins in the Active Time Battle(ATB)/Job System Of Final Fantasy X-2 combined with Persona 3 FES battle system with some Cinematic combat added into the mix.  The Crystarium leveling system is an adaption of the Sphere Grid from Final Fantasy X.

Final Fantasy XIII Visuals are also some of the best on Consoles with Native 720P used for Gameplay and Native 1080P used for CG on the PS3 Version. and they blew my mind when I first saw them in the 2006 trailer and even more so in the finished product the Japanese Versions Musical Score by Hamauzu Masashi is awesome the main theme Kimi ga Iru Kara(Because You're Here), and Eternal Love by Sugawara Sayuri fits theme of the Game perfectly.

Final Fantasy XIII Kimi ga Iru Kara

Final Fantasy XIII Eternal Love

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