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OK, I couldn't find the new in english... so I'll have to translate it from Spanish to English. I'll post the translation first and the original new below it!

Translated new:

Nier will be turned into a saga

Announcements will be made at a later stage


Daniel Escandell · 12:15 3/1/2011

With its European launch in the past month of April, Nier has become the sleeper hit of the market, and the plans are that it'll be turned into a saga.

Yosuke Saito, the highest man in charge of the first title, has assured japanese media that there are new projects based on this Intellectual Property already set in motion and that they'll, in fact, make an important announcement depending on how this year advances.

The first rumours point to a direct sequel to the series in the same consoles, that means, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. However, the possibility of them working on some sort of derived product cannot be discarded.


Original new in Spanish:

Nier se convertirá en saga


Se realizarán anuncios más adelante.
Daniel Escandell · 12:15 3/1/2011
Con su lanzamiento europeo en el pasado mes de abril, Nier se convirtió en una pequeña sorpresa en el mercado, pero los planes pasan por convertirlo en una saga.

Yosuke Saito, máximo responsable del primer título, ha afirmado a medios japoneses que hay nuevos proyectos basados en esta propiedad intelectual en marcha, y que, de hecho, harán un importante anuncio según avance este año.

Los primeros rumores apuntan a una continuación directa de la serie en las mismas consolas, esto es, Xbox 360 y PlayStation 3, aunque tampoco se puede descartar que trabajen en alguna suerte de producto derivado.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P