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Strong agreement here.  It has been a bit annoying of late, although I was hoping it was just the concentration of Kinect, Move, GT5, Reach, etc. market activity coupled with the biggest selling period of the year.

Personally, what gets me is the arguing against facts - people trying to diss GT5 or Reach, or Move or Kinect.  Pretty much everything has been a success by reasonable measure and current market trends, yet we're seeing a big resurgance of Kinect = success therefore Move must equal failure, or GT5 didn't get metascore as high as Forza 3 so it must equal failure.

Of course, given a lot of this is wrong it leads to people hitting back and before you know it threads are exploding into some of the longest, more riduculous quote trains I think I've seen in a while on the site.

I'm not saying "let's all get along" but a little more common sense and a little less plainly stupid comments would go a long way towards cooling things back down to acceptable levels.

The bottom line is that between PS3/360 (which let's admit it is where most of the trolling is centred) there's going to be no big winner.  Both have sold and will sell a lot of HW worldwide, both have more dominant regions, both have successful exclusives, both have successful motion control peripherals now and both sell more than enough multiplatform titles that neither is going to be dropped for support anytime soon.

In other words all the Trolling is in vain anyway - neither the PS3 nor 360 is going to crash and burn this generation and both are going to finish with more than respectable LTD hardware and software sales.

As for the Wii, hopefully the recent sales will put paid to the Trolling on that front too.  It's not dead and it's not going anywhere and worldwide neither HD console is going to be overtaking its HW/SW totals anytime soon.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...