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Doobie_wop said:

Piracy definitely has a significant negative impact against smaller games. 

On the 360 for example:

Dante's Inferno was pirated 1,280,000 times.

Alan Wake was pirated 1,141,000 times.

Prototype was pirated 810,000 times.

Dirt 2 was pirated 790,000 times.

On the Wii: 

Red Steel 2 was pirated 850,000 times.

Punch Out was pirated 950,000 times.

Kirby's Epic Yarn was pirated 880,000 times.

I know that all these people might not have bought the games anyway, but lets say 200,000 from each would have bought the game if the option of piracy wasn't around, then the sales life of Alan Wake, Red Steel 2, Dante's Inferno and Dirt 2 would be significantly better. 

This is also speculation, but a large part of the PS3 audience is probably made of tech enthusiast who know how to take advantage of piracy, while the 360 and Wii audience is far more casual in comparison, this may not be true, but I'm basing it from my own experiences in the real world and online. If it was true, then piracy could have a larger effect on the PS3, than it does on the 360 or the Wii.

Also, Modern Warfare 2 was pirated more than Black Ops, this is just to clarify an earlier point you made in this thread to another poster.

Was it pirated more in the same exact time span? I thought it was in the 4M-4.5M range by the end of 2009. Black Ops is over 5M isn't it?

As for the rest of your post, I bring up the point mentioned in this thread where someone said, and I paraphrase, so forgive me if the quote is not 100% accurate.

"People only buy the console if they can pirate the games."

This alone shows that piracy didn't hurt the console that much since originally those consumers had no interest in a purchase to begin with.


Yes you will have games pirated, but many times the game would not have been purchased to begin with. Also, even though this in a way defends piracy, even though I do not condone it, there are also instances where a game is pirated a later purchased, just like when a game is rented and later purchased.


There are many reasons why I think the whole idea is completely overblown. 


Anyone know if the music industry is dying? I know it is pirated to all hell, although the best I can find is articles from 2007 stated that the music industry is in fact growing, despite the high piracy rate.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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