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A game doesn´t need a story, but it will be better if it as one.

There are tons of games with no story that are great, pac-man and space invaders cross my mind, but there are much more. Then there are the games that have little story besides the do this or kill that, that are great also. A common mistake is that a video game needs a movie like story, which is wrong. A great story in a video game can be a lousy one for a movie, be it because it simplistic or just....errr.....stupid, but because a game is an active experience (contrary to movies which are passive), it just doesn´t matter, all it matters is that you have an objective and a reason to play the game; in the gamers mind, it will always be a kick ass story.

But, if you have a GREAT STORY...oh man...that´s pure bliss (Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption come to mind).


In the end it goes like this, a GREAT STORY makes a game ten times better than if it doesn´t have one.

For me personally, i need a story in a game, i need an objective to keep me going, that´s why i´m not big on multiplayer. But i can love a game with no story too.