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LBP2 they definitely will, seeing as the original got TV advertising. Sony lift the embargo on reviews for LBP2 on Jan 4th - 2 weeks before the thing even releases, which to me just shows how much confidence they have in the product and what they intend to do with it.

 Hopefully they'll tie some of it in with making it a big pusher for move too, as the move needs a new game to promote it. Either way we'll hear alot about it in a few weeks, sure of a few TV ads but I'd suspect they'll be more focused on the internet / viral marketing, tbh I think alot of these beta leaks (LBP Windows, Final Fantasy battles etc) are just to garner up some interest.

 DCUO is a difficult one, I'm sure they'll push it but it still depends on how the reviews go, how beta feedback is and whether it looks like people can stomach the $15 sub-fee. I don't view an MMO as something you need an all out onslaught of a first week marketing campaign so they might spread the budget out and focus the marketing on through specfic, targeted outlets, to start with.