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Laurel Aitken said:

When buying used or renting, you give your money to a local, that local pays taxes, pays services and even pays employees! Plus, this way, the renting place will have money, and will keep buying games to rent them. With the money people get from selling used games, they can buy new games.

By your logic, I should not buy used cars, I should buy stolen cars.

By my logic, you should either buy a new car, or steal the car yourself, lol xD

So... that way the renting place will have money to keep hurting possible sales of the games? and they will also have the money to pay taxes, services and it's employees with the money they "stole" from the Developer/Publisher?

I'm kidding xD

Chrizum said:

I agree that big chains like Gamestop selling hundreds used games is bad for developers (not nearly as bad as piracy, but still bad). However, selling a game you don't want anymore to someone who wants the game (ie. without chains like Gamestop as middleman) is completely justified, as you'll get some of your money back which can be used to purchase new games. When pirating, there is no money involved to spend on new games at all.

In the end, games worth keeping are the best selling games for a reason: they won't be traded in as much. I have never ever seen used copies of Super Smash Bros, Halo or Mario Kart at my local game shops, because they seldomly get traded in.



When pirating, you could also save the money you would have spent on used games and use that money to buy a NEW game :P it's not like pirating's good though, lol.

I kind of agree with the other stuff you said. Too bad this thing also hurts good games like Nier or Vanquish.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P