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Hi guys, i just picked up Viewtiful Joe (part 1) for Gamecube...

I was looking for old/good Gamecube games and came across it... Have been playing it for the last 2 days and this game is so freaking awesome! Over the top action with lots of humor and most importantly: Really Hard!... (Adult mode)... Damn, the game is challenging!... And looks sweet too!... You can definitely see the graphical comparison between Clover's other work of art (Okami, that is)...

And the same gameshop (which is closing next Saturday) still has Viewtiful Joe 2 for sale... And i don't give a shit about how much it is, im going to get it!... Viewtifull Joe is coowl ...


I just don't know if i should pick it Viewtiful Joe: Red hot rumble for Gamecube. Ign gave VJ 1 and 2 a 9.5 and a 9 but RHR a 5. What's so different about that game?... Does anybody know?...


Back on-topic: People that are still pissed about their lacking 3rd-party games on Gamecube and still try to find good games for it (collectors of nice Gamecube games maybe or something )... Pick this up!... Great game, Challenging and fun!