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As part of my ongoing quest to please Beuli2, I am going to be doing a regular series of threads called "against the grain", bringing up news stories which are either overlooked or too big to miss...

However, I have received many messages from users who have commented on how much they enjoy this series. If I can just do that with this writing, then that's important to me. One day, I am to become a writer for this site, or another. I didn't really enjoy it beforehand, but I've been getting quite into it now!

Truly awesome ad campaign made me want to play Mario Kart again. Fail


So, I was looking back at this site and I realised something. I seem to have turned into a Nintendo-fanboy. Sorry people, but this isn't the case. I love all of my consoles equally, but I find the Wii-exclusive games to be slightly better.



The issue is, to many people, including many of my friends, games rated PEGI 3 or 7 are bad and kiddy. Is this true? I'm gonna take 2 big titles from this year, and see if you agree. Do you see a 3 year old happily finishing this?






Or this?







Because, if you do, then you must not have played these games. These two games are rock solid. I mean, OLD SCHOOL difficult. So, i doubt that any 3-year old could easily finish these games, if finish them at all! The rating system, as it stands, reflects on the context of the games, and if they're incriminating in any form, NOT the difficulty or play style.



Of course, what if you were to change this rating system to base the games on difficulty? Then you could find games which are very easy, but not suited to a younger audience, such as COD. So, what should be done? That's where my idea comes in.



I think games certificates should GO. It's doing nothing. Everyone knows that 10 year olds play COD. I played Duke Nukem 3D when I was 4, and I turned out fine! Other people played games such as GTA or Medal Of honour at a young age, so what's the point of these ratings? The only thing it does is gives fanboys ammunition to call certain consoles "for kiddies" or "far too easy and not grown up"



My second point is that, I don't think gamers should be ashamed of what games they play. Who cares if its Just Dance, or COD, or Monster Hunter, or Galaxy? No-one will judge anyone differently, so I believe it should draw to a close. 



Finally, if you like a certain console, fine. I do too. I like them all. But, I don't see why people need to get so wound up and start disrespecting other people due to what gaming console they play. I've noticed even this site has started to slide downhill due to fanboyism, and many other sites are now past the point of no return. Fanboyism should stop. Respecting other peoples opinions goes a long way, as I, sadly, learned the hard way...


Anyway, I've de-railed my own OP. Back on topic. Do you agree that Game ratings are a waste of time? If so, why? And if you disgree, just comment below, as always


If you'd like to read more of my series, then look no further! Links are below;


 1. (statistical anomolies with Wii games)

2.  (What Nintendo SHOULD have done with the Wii)

4. (why the Wii is a toy and can't do mature games)
5. Sorry, number 5 is not alive. The computer died (Why Sony is, and always will be, doomed)
7. (which year had the most new users of QUALITY!)
Sadly, this will no doubt be my last thread for a long time, as revision picks up, I won't be online as much. I therefore hope everyone had a nice Christmas, and wish them all the best in the new year!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.